Fostering Compassion is a groundbreaking humane education project, unique in its approach to addressing the links between animal abuse, child abuse, elder abuse and interpersonal violence. By sharing the stories of rescued animals, we encourage caring, compassionate and nurturing behaviour in children.
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Case Study: Craig
Craig came from a home with extreme domestic violence, suffering severe neglect and emotional abuse. There had been a placental abruption during pregnancy and he was back in hospital with breathing difficulties within a month of being born, so there is a possibility that he suffered a bleed on the brain, making life even harder for this little boy. He was one of the most challenging children we’ve had when he attended his first workshop. Now – we all have a huge place in our hearts for him. Read more…

Case Study: Oliver
Oliver was one of the first children to be referred to our programme and was around 9 years old at the time, in long-term foster care with his sister. He was talking like a toddler when he was placed in foster care and had never used cutlery. He’d not had any speech therapy and didn’t have friends as only his sister could understand what he was saying. He had nightmares of people breaking in and stealing him away, and used to check that the door was locked and the chain on before going to bed so that the “bad people” wouldn’t get in. Read more…
Due to the fact that the children benefiting from the Fostering Compassion project are all vulnerable and at risk children, models have been used for all photos on this site and all names have been changed.